
Who am I?

Welcome to my page Star fans!!!!! This basically sums up this page To begin I am going to introduce myself. The name is Winry Kate. I am basically the white girl version of Marco Diaz. I know that doesn't make much sense but what I mean is that I am super organized, awkward, oblivious, I love nachos, but I do not do Karate, unfortunately :( But hey, close enough right?!? I am creating this blog to spill my fan theories. After waiting for season 3 to come out I had come up with a lot of theories that I kept between my little sister and I but she insisted that I must post it somewhere. I know you all would prefer a youtube video but I hate my own voice and I don't have the money for good editing software so you will all have to deal with this. Also, this is good practice for my conspiracy theory blog I am doing for my English class. If you are interested please check that out as well it is about mind control after all... Or will be once I get working on it 0.0 ya... Here